How to massively increase your traffic through featured snippets

We’re living in the era of zero-click searches. In place of users clicking through to your site, we now have rich snippets. A way for users to gain the information they need from within the SERPs. This presents a significant risk to those not utilising these new SERP features, but for those who know how to game the system and take advantage, it can offer a number of benefits:

  1. While rich snippets are almost exclusively available to those already on page one of the SERPs, it’s a super quick fast track from lower page-one positions to the very top.
  2. A significantly greater CTR for results in position zero, even when compared to 1st position.
  3. Increased brand reach, simply from the amount of SERP real estate you’re taking.

In case, it’s not clear enough, the utilisation of rich snippets should 100% be part of your 2019 SEO strategy.

This ebook talks through everything you need to know about rich snippets, from featured snippets to related questions, what they are, the differences between them and, most importantly, how to get them.

While attaining rich snippets isn’t always clear cut, there are several tricks you can do to nudge your content in the right direction, including on-page markup, structured data using JSON-LD and internal linking through ontological best practice. If any of those things sound alien to you, this ebook is a must-read.

If you have an eCommerce site, our guide to SCHEMA for eCommerce sites is also worth a look.



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