
95% in assisted value
81% in revenue
81% in organic traffic

Challenge. Accepted.

Since 2005 Factory Direct Flooring have provided flooring solutions to a largely online audience. They came to us with one outstanding issue – a significant drop in organic traffic and visibility leading to declining year-on-year performance.

We pitched a new content-led SEO solution, considering the existing resource section and developing a more effective long-term strategy centred around improving user experience, SEO and conversion rate.

Our initial technical, keyword and content audits brought more skeletons out of the closet. We found that there were major technical site issues, category pages were failing and the available content was not working to increase revenue.

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01244 564 500

Richard Waters
Sales & Marketing Director
[email protected]


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81% increase in revenue.

The Actions.

Of the several challenges we took on board to get this site back to the levels of performance experienced previously, a few stood out as game changers.

Technical Issues

The site was not implemented properly, it had indexation issues and there were errors throughout. Our experts got to work in fixing all the present issues and working to ensure they didn’t happen again.

Through monthly site monitoring, we can identify and fix any problems to keep the foundations sturdy and continue to improve the domain authority.

Keyword Strategy

Certain category pages were failing, leading to declining revenue. All the pages were there, just not in the best order.

Through keyword research, we found that people were searching for flooring by room, not just type. We re-evaluated the structure of site pages to play to keyword strengths and continue to monitor this as part of our SEO support.


Content across the site was light and needed deepening.

We produced fresh, unique copy for 85 pages to improve their ranking.

Now every page on the site has relevant content.

53% increase in visibility.

The Advice Centre

The Advice Centre they already had was full of content that nobody was reading. They did have one standout post which contained shoppable content and brought in revenue for them.

We took this idea and completely overhauled the existing Advice Centre to create rich, useful content including links to products. Integrating shoppable content into the posts ensured optimum user experience and ease, as well as increased revenue.

We continue to produce exciting content monthly and use outreach strategies to build valuable links.

The Results.

It’s been quite the success story. Aside from a lasting friendship with Paul, we also managed to improve all of this:

Increase in visibility


Increase in organic traffic


Increase in revenue


Two competitors overtaken.


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The results we've achieved from Salience's content marketing efforts have exceeded my expectations. We knew content marketing was a viable route to ROI in general, but were unsure if it would apply to flooring.

Thankfully, the results were well beyond viable and I'm excited to continue growing Factory Direct Flooring with content.

Paul Hambidge, MD

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01244 564 500